Partner Dance Lessons in Red Deer and Calgary
Wedding Dance Lessons
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Ballroom Dance Lessons
Latin and Salsa Dance Lessons
Argentine Tango Lessons
Dance Lessons Red Deer Calgary
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Is Danceability a word?
Suitable for dancing: a danceable melody. dance′a·bil′i·ty n. Adj.

"Cross-Over" SPORT Dance Training!


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TWO Couples ONLY $100 ($25 each!) - Choose your Dance

If you have NO experience, it is actually easier to teach you, as you have no bad habits or preconceptions.
Two left feet, no problem.... Dance isn't all about your feet!
Learn a very useful SOCIAL SKILL!

Dancing Guy

A "Dancing Guy" is a HOT COMMODITY!!!

Start investing in yourself NOW!

  Meet Amanda Fleet
Text Amanda 403-689-7037
Responds within 1 hour

Ladies... Do you want to...

Feel more confident, empowered and refreshed?
Learn about your body, how it moves and what suits you?
Well, what are you waiting for? Help is here!

Get started... HAVE FUN!


How soon can I feel comfortable dancing?

"Leader" as the word suggests, has a big role to play. Though both Leader and Follower have their own skillset to learn, the "Leader" has more responsibility.
Depending of how fast you learn and how much you practice, on average within 5 to 10 lessons in one dance; you should have the basic understanding of that dance and a few paterns that you will feel comfortable enough to take it out on to the dance floor.

Dancing Makes You Smarter

A major study added to the growing evidence that stimulating one's mind by dancing can ward off Alzheimer's disease and other dementia, much as physical exercise can keep the body fit. 

Because dance requires mental, physical, emotional and social skills, all of these functions working together can be beneficial to your brain and overall health. Dance is a multi-tasking activity which can improve cognitive function and slow the aging process. Why wait?


Do you have “IT” ?

Idioms – to possess the requisite abilities for something; be talented, adept, or proficient:  In this business you either have it or you don’t.

Actually that is not 100% true… Yes admittedly some people just have an innate ability for something  (a natural you would say).  Dance is an ART. Art can be standardized, specific or very unique to the creator and very hard to replicate.

We often look at another’s skill and say “I wish I could do that” or “I wish I could look like them”
We can wear the same clothes/hat as someone else but we will never be them. We will be ourselves in those matching clothes, so from one perspective we look/are the same.
Dance is an expression, it is unique to the individual, and though not necessarily comparable it is equally admirable.

MOST IMPORTANT is how it can make you feel when you add music and really succumb!

So just do “IT”, be “IT” in your own way! "YOU" Matter!

Amanda dancing...

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Professional Partner Dance Instruction
Private Dance Lessons in Red Deer and Calgary